Introduction to Lasting Lifestyle Change
Most New Year’s resolutions fail because people focus on what they think they should do to achieve a desired result. But what if lasting lifestyle change could be enjoyable? Welcome to this exploration inspired by the Sedona Soul Sisters show, where we delve into psychic guidance and healing for an embodied spiritual awakening.
Meet Christel Arcucci
I’m Christel Arcucci, and my mission is to support spiritual practitioners in accessing their intuition, unlocking psychic gifts, and living their purpose. A heartfelt thank-you to listeners worldwide, especially in Montpelier, Vermont. For those interested in working with me one-on-one, I invite you to a Sensual Hypnosis Desire Session by phone. This session uniquely blends hypnosis, energy healing, and timeline jumping to align your desires with your soul purpose, igniting a force for manifestation in your life.
Visit to book your transformative journey.
Creating Enjoyable Change
As I record this in the third week of January, many have abandoned their New Year’s resolutions. This episode takes a different approach to lifestyle change, focusing on three key aspects:
1. Increase What is Wanted:
– Five years ago, I decided to hike every day, turning a simple intention into an endurance streak that transformed my life physically, mentally, and emotionally. This practice taught me self-belief and consistency despite challenges like illness and bad weather.
2. Decrease What is Unwanted:
– I reduced and eventually quit smoking pot by focusing not on quitting cold turkey, but on experimenting with smoking less. This approach, free from fear of failure, gradually shifted my relationship with pot.
3. Play the Long Game:
– Lifelong health improvement involves experimenting over decades with nutrition and exercise. Embracing small, sustainable changes over time led to my current state of improved health and well-being.
Three Keys to Lasting Lifestyle Change
These experiences have proven that lifestyle change isn’t about punishing yourself but about enhancing your life through increased enjoyment. Let’s break down the three keys:
– Increase Joyful Activities: Focus on what you love and enjoy to naturally incorporate these elements into your life.
– Reduce Unwanted Habits: Take small steps to decrease habits you want less of, without labeling yourself a failure if you don’t quit immediately.
– Play the Long Game: Allow space for gradual change and evolution without the pressure of immediate perfection.
Reimagine resolutions by prioritizing what brings you joy. Could you reduce stress by choosing pleasure over pressure? Align your life with your natural inclinations and enjoy the journey of personal growth. I invite you to explore this approach and see the transformations it can bring. Thank you for being part of our community, and until next time, breathe gently, listen to your guidance, and create miracles. Remember to visit for further guidance and transformation opportunities.