Personal Power Reframe: What If This Is Happening For Me? #153

Personal Power Reframe: What If This Is Happening For Me? #153

In a world filled with challenges and obstacles, it’s easy to succumb to feelings of helplessness and victimhood. But what if we shift our perspective and start asking ourselves, “What if this is happening for me?” This simple yet powerful personal...
Embracing Your Whole Self: The Power of Shadow Integration #151

Embracing Your Whole Self: The Power of Shadow Integration #151

The Desire Sessions Podcast also hosted by Christel Arcucci publishes an audio healing journey to deepen the message, listen here: We all carry parts of ourselves that we hide away, aspects that we deem too dark, too shameful, or too unacceptable to let into the...
Build Confidence with Emotional Resilience #150

Build Confidence with Emotional Resilience #150

Would you like to access greater power from challenging emotions? How can you enjoy a full spectrum of emotions with curiosity, humor and play? Do you often find yourself in a battle with your emotions, striving to maintain a constant state of happiness and...
Jump Timelines & Dump the Trance of Disempowerment #149

Jump Timelines & Dump the Trance of Disempowerment #149

Transform Your Life: Jump Timelines & Dump the Trance of Disempowerment Are you ready Jump Timelines & Dump the Trance of Disempowerment? In simple terms what that means is to release habits, patterns and ways of being that no longer serve you so you can...
You Live in an Abundant Universe #148

You Live in an Abundant Universe #148

Many spiritual traditions teach that “we live in an abundant universe” yet lack the practices to help us experience this. The key lies in co-creating with abundance to release stress and open yourself up to enjoyng more. This is the essence of this Sedona...