#164 Trust Your Gut: Mastering Claircognizance Through Solar Plexus Healing


Have you ever had a sudden flash of insight that turned out to be true? Or felt an inexplicable certainty about something you couldn’t possibly know? These could be signs of your claircognizant abilities, deeply connected to your solar plexus chakra, your body’s power center. But what exactly is claircognizance, and how can you harness this intuitive superpower to transform your life?

Welcome to the Sedona Soul Sister Show, where we share psychic guidance and healing for an embodied spiritual awakening. I’m Christel Arcucci, on a mission to support spiritual practitioners in accessing their intuition, unlocking psychic gifts, and living their purpose.

A big thanks to our listeners all over the world, and a special shoutout and a boost of love to our listeners in Loveland, Colorado! You can schedule sessions in West Sedona or virtual psychic readings and more at www.sedonasoulsisters.com

Connecting With Your Solar Plexus Chakra

To begin, place your hand on your upper abdomen just below your rib cage. Feel the warmth of your hand connecting to your body. Imagine a bright yellow light expanding in this area, like an internal sun, filling your entire body with confidence and clarity. Set your intention to open yourself to the wisdom of your intuition and the power of your inner knowing.

The Power of the Solar Plexus Chakra and Claircognizance

Today, we’re diving deep into the powerful connection between the solar plexus and claircognizance. Your solar plexus, or Manipura chakra in Sanskrit, is the seat of your personal power, self-esteem, and intuitive knowing. When this energy center is balanced and strong, it not only boosts your confidence and willpower but also enhances your psychic abilities, particularly claircognizance—the gift of clear knowing.

Healing and Strengthening Your Solar Plexus

By healing and strengthening your solar plexus, you can tap into a wellspring of inner wisdom, make decisions with greater clarity, and navigate life challenges with increased ease and grace. Throughout this post, we’ll explore practical techniques to balance your solar plexus and develop your claircognizant abilities, empowering you to trust your gut feelings and access knowledge beyond your physical senses.

Seven Benefits of a Balanced Solar Plexus Chakra

1. Energy Center: Acts as a conduit for physical and psychic energies, facilitating the flow of intuitive information.
2. Self-Confidence: Promotes self-esteem and confidence, essential for trusting and acting on psychic impressions.
3. Gut Feelings: Associated with gut instincts, often the first manifestation of claircognizant insights.
4. Personal Power: Strengthening our sense of personal power helps us overcome fear and doubts that might block psychic abilities.
5. Mental Clarity: Supports clear thinking, helping to distinguish between intuition and unhelpful imagination.
6. Emotional Balance: Helps regulate emotions, creating a stable foundation for intuitive work.
7. Energy Discernment: Helps us sense and interpret subtle energies, a key skill in psychic development.

Practical Techniques for Developing Claircognizant Abilities

Start practicing with low-risk actions to deepen your knowing and build the muscle of trusting your intuition. For example, take a different route to work, call someone you feel the urge to contact, or visit a new place. Keep a journal of your experiences, noting both the times you followed your intuition and the times you didn’t, to learn from these moments.

Maintaining a Confident Posture

A confident posture supports an open and balanced solar plexus chakra. Regularly evaluate your posture and make adjustments to keep your head aligned over your heart, your shoulders open, and your solar plexus strong.

Exercises to Enhance Your Solar Plexus Energy

Reclining Cactus Pose: Lay on the floor or bed without a pillow, arms open in a cactus position to passively stretch and open the chest and shoulders.
“How Wonderful” Pose: Sit up tall, elbows bent by your sides, palms up, and press the thumbs towards the back of your body while taking a deep breath to open the solar plexus and heart.

Journal Prompts for Self-Inquiry

1. In what ways does your solar plexus chakra influence your decision-making process, and how has this impacted significant choices in your life?
2. Describe a time when you strongly felt your claircognizant abilities at work. How did it manifest, and what did you learn from this experience?
3. If your inner critic had a voice, what would it say about your personal power and intuitive abilities? How would you challenge these beliefs?
4. Reflect on a situation where you ignored your gut feeling. What were the consequences, and how might things have been different if you had trusted your intuition?
5. How does your relationship with personal power and self-confidence affect your ability to receive and act on intuitive insights? Provide personal examples.


Thank you for being a part of our community. I’m honored to support your embodied spiritual awakening.

Are you for a personalized Rites of Passage in Sedona with Christel? The Rites of Passage is an extraordinary 2 Day Private Retreat in Sedona designed to support your Embodied Spiritual Awakening.

The pressure of the current global challenges are calling spiritual practitioners to embrace purpose, power, and pleasure on a profound level.

If you’re passionate about awakening the divine within and ready to embody your legacy, step into leadership, and live your purpose, this in person immersion is for you.

Schedule your life-changing private immersion in Sedona at SedonaSoulSisters.com/purpose

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Until next time, breathe gently, listen to your guidance, and create miracles.