Pivoting the Show & Update on Manifest with Desire

Episode #172: A Turning Point

Welcome to Episode 172 of the Sedona Soul Sisters Show. This episode marks a significant turning point, not only in my journey but in the evolution of the show itself. Having just completed the Ecstatic Empath Series, which grew unexpectedly from an eight-week series into 28 episodes, I am excited to share the transformation and insights that unfolded.

Real-time Integration and Evolution

The Ecstatic Empath Series was a monumental project split across the Sedona Soul Sisters Show and the Desire Sessions Podcast, with 14 episodes each. The journey was surprising in many ways and brought exciting revelations about what lies ahead.

The Sedona Soul Sisters Show is dedicated to sharing psychic guidance and healing for embodied spiritual awakening. I’m Christel Arcucci, on a mission to help spiritual practitioners access their intuition, unlock psychic gifts, and live their purpose.

Special Greetings and Offerings

I want to express heartfelt thanks to our global listeners, especially those in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, who topped our locations chart last week. For those interested, you can schedule sessions in Sedona or opt for virtual Reiki healing, life coaching, Akashic Records work, soul contract work, timeline healing, and more at https://www.sedonasoulsisters.com

Each breath taken aligned with love repairs the healing web on Planet Earth.

Shifting the Approach: The Hands-On Journey

When I took over the Sedona Soul Sisters Show, my intention was to maintain a weekly show schedule. I also host the Desire Sessions Podcast with the same frequency. Managing these responsibilities alone has been challenging, but it has been crucial for me to be involved in every aspect of creating, recording, producing, and publishing the content.

Initially, managing two distinct shows was overwhelming, leading to an intuitive shift where I decided to cover the same topics on both platforms but tailor the approach differently for each. The Sedona Soul Sisters Show became the educational and storytelling piece, while the Desire Sessions Podcast focused on the healing and hypnotic journey. This change made everything smoother and more enjoyable.

Despite the level of work involved, producing 62 episodes so far this year has been a wild and fulfilling journey.

Refining Teachings and Publishing Goals

I’ve been passionately focused on refining my teachings rather than constantly creating new content. One of my deep desires is to publish a book, a goal I’ve been “trying” to achieve for years. Writing is one journey, but publishing is a whole other reality requiring a higher level of refinement.

The Ecstatic Empath Series allowed me to improve my teachings continuously, making each round better. This process connected me more deeply to the material and to you, my audience.

Shifts in Psychic Offerings

Throughout the Ecstatic Empath Series, many personal and professional insights emerged, influencing the offerings at Sedona Soul Sisters. The series explored psychic and intuitive gifts related to each chakra, leading me to redefine my approach to using my psychic abilities.

I no longer offer traditional psychic readings. Instead, I focus on helping individuals trust their intuition and psychic abilities while creating their futures. This shift places greater emphasis on empowerment rather than predicting outcomes, making the journey more meaningful and impactful.

Embracing Mediumship and New Challenges

Reflecting on psychic gifts I previously resisted, such as seeing auras and mediumship, has led to surprising growth. While I’m still not interested in conventional mediumship readings, connecting with master teachers has been enlightening and will be an ongoing personal practice. This openness might even lead to new directions, including potential future series dedicated to channeling.

The process of series creation has taught me a lot about trust, guidance, and aligning with the right audience. It’s clear that the show and its offerings will continue evolving to best serve those aligned with my vision.

Preparing for Upcoming Series

The next series, “Manifest with Desire,” is on the horizon, focusing on the conscious and unconscious components of desire and their manifestation power. Following that, expect “The Light and Shadow of Soul Purpose,” which will explore soul purpose’s intricate facets. I’m also excited about the series “Permission Granted”, which will delve into deeper layers of personal development.

Volunteer Opportunity: Light and Shadow of Soul Purpose

For the upcoming “Light and Shadow of Soul Purpose” series, I am seeking volunteers comfortable with being on video to go through this experience, offering an embodied coaching session followed by a customized hypnotic journey. This opportunity aims to benefit both the individual and the collective audience by highlighting breakthrough moments.

What’s Next?

Next week, Terry Ann Russell will join me on the Sedona Soul Sisters Show to discuss star seeds, their work, and conduct a live session, which I’m thrilled about. The “Manifest with Desire” series will follow the week after.

Stay tuned for these exciting developments, and thank you for being part of our community. Your support in our collective spiritual awakening is invaluable.

For all the episodes of the free Manifest with Desire Series visit http://www.manifestwithdesire.com and enter your name and email for updates and additional resources.

Until next time, breathe gently, listen to your guidance, and create miracles.