Have you ever felt like you don’t quite belong on this planet? Like you’re seeing the world through different eyes, picking up on energies and emotions that others seem oblivious to. Maybe you’ve always sensed there was something more, something beyond the mundane day-to-day that most people are caught up in. Or perhaps you’re raising a child who seems wise beyond their years, struggling to fit into a world that doesn’t understand their gifts. If you or someone you love is extremely sensitive, often overwhelmed, and yearning for a deeper connection, you might be part of a unique group referred to as “star seeds.”

Welcome to the Sedona Soul Sisters Show

I’m Christel Arcucci, and I’m on a mission to support spiritual practitioners to access their intuition, unlock their psychic gifts, and live their purpose. A big thanks to our listeners all over the world and a special shout out and a boost of love to our listeners in Melbourne, Australia. If you or someone you love is interested in exploring the concept of star seeds further, you can schedule virtual star seed readings with Terri-Ann at www.sedonasoulsisters.com/terri-ann

Align with Love

Each breath you take aligned with love repairs the healing web on planet Earth. Today, I’m very excited to invite you to join the “Manifest with Desire” series, where we unlock the power of your deepest longings to create the life you’ve always dreamed of. Explore how to align your chakras, tap into your intuition, and live your soul’s purpose. Get ready to transform your desires into reality. You can receive all the resources from the entire free “Manifest with Desire” series by visiting manifestwithdesire.com and entering your name and email.

Guest Introduction: Terri-Ann Russell

I am so excited that Terri-Ann Russell is on the show with me today. One of her specialties is doing star seed readings. We start by talking a little bit about how Terri-Ann got into this work, what star seeds are, and she even does a mini reading for me. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Understanding Star Seeds

Terri-Ann’s Journey
When connecting with spirit, the experience was very natural for Terri-Ann from a young age. Moving to Sedona opened up new realms of connection, including extraterrestrials and interdimensionals. It was a scary but transformative experience that led her to learn about star seeds, starting with her daughter, whom she believes is a crystal baby.

Characteristics of Star Seeds
Star seeds are highly sensitive individuals who often feel out of place. They may be allergic to foods, medicines, and other elements, making life more challenging in our current world. Their sensitivity, however, is part of their higher purpose and celestial lineage, which will be activated at the right time.

Mini Reading Experience

Christel’s Star Seed Journey
Terri-Ann gave me a mini star seed reading and shared the insights from the cards she drew.

1. Courageous Peony: Multifacted, unique nature. Let yourself be seen.
2. Empathic Star Seed: Energetic sovereignty, absorbing what’s not yours.
3. Lost Lands: Soul memories and gifts. You’ve done this before.
4.*Called: Soul gifts and training. It’s time to step up.

Her interpretations were profound and brought a sense of clarity and confirmation to my journey.

Benefits of Star Seed Readings

For Parents and Hypersensitive Individuals
Parents who have very sensitive children can gain invaluable insights into how to support their child’s unique needs and gifts. These readings are also beneficial for anyone who feels out of place, different, or is seeking understanding about their life’s purpose and gifts.

Balancing Human Experience with Star Seed Nature
Star seed readings help individuals feel comfortable with both their human and galactic natures. As one connects with their star origin, they become more confident in their unique gifts and can integrate these gifts into their daily lives.

Sacred Sexuality

During our session, an unexpected topic surfaced: sacred sexuality. Initially taken aback, I realized that my sensual, creative power is a key aspect of my human experience. Terri-Ann’s insights helped me accept and embrace this part of myself, aligning it with my spiritual journey.


Thank you so much, Terri-Ann, for joining me on the Sedona Soul Sisters Show. I feel incredibly blessed to have had this experience and to share it with our listeners.

Schedule Your Star Seed Journey

If you resonated with the star seed teachings today, dive deeper into your cosmic origins and discover your true potential with a personalized star seed reading from Terri-Ann. Whether you’re seeking clarity about your life purpose, struggling with sensitivity, or simply curious about your star seed nature, Terri-Ann can provide invaluable insights. Embrace your cosmic truth and book your star seed reading today at www.sedonasoulsisters.com/terri-ann

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Until next time, breathe gently, listen to your guidance, and create miracles.